Prepare your artwork for DTF Transfers
File types
Vector files are the best for DTF printing. For raster images, PNG is recommended.
CMYK Color Spectrum
DTF Printing uses CMYK for full color prints. For the best results, create your images in a CMYK Document.
Resolution/Pixel Count
Export your images at 300DPI for the best results. The Gang Sheet Builder will alert you of unoptimized images.
Line Width
Be sure not to use lines that are too thin as they may not peel off of the transfer very well. 1 - 2pt is good.
Hand Feel
The more negative space, the better the feel. Remove the garment color from a design for the best results.
Make sure your images are transparent where they need to be. Images will be printed exactly as submitted. If not, your images will print everything in the image including the background.